Final pours of the evening and a face off of two semi-champions will shortly reveal one winner.
A very special thank you to everyone who came out to pour and support the #SlayerTNT at Coastal Kitchen. We got to mingle with restaurant guests, compete and give away hourly door prizes to our mixed audience of eaters, drinkers and passers by.
There’s a new and wonderful movement happening in non-coffee bars as the focus shifts to a quality coffee program. Not only are they choosing to purchase phenomenal brewing equipment, they are additionally supporting with in depth coffee preparation training. If you find yourself in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, pop into Coastal Kitchen for an exceptional brunch and coffee.
Enjoy the photo recap of our incredible collaborative event!
Coastal Kitchen’s customized Slayer Espresso with Claro Walnut wood accents, Grained Black Nickel & Super Polished Xs was a head turner to say the least.Claro Walnut’s golden brown finish with a shape inspired by Japanese chef knives handles, feels elegant and ergonomic during the brew process.Our honorary Slayer TNT judges panel from the Left, Jason Prefontaine -Founder & President Slayer Espresso, Alexis Hide- Caffe Vita Educator, Sonja Chang- Seattle food blogger @Seattle_Bites (Instagram).
One of the final pours, hand model Joel Harrison of Mr. West secures second place over all with this beaut!
Traditional rocks glasses left their old fashioned purposes to showcase the marriage of milk and coffee and the formulation of latte art.
From the left 3rd Place , we know him only as John H. of Caffe Ladro. Right, 2nd Place winner, Joel Harrison of Mr. West. Middle, the evenings winner Conor Dolan of Cherry Street Public House.
Not pictured, the Coastal Kitchen crew who killed the nights flow by simply taking care of almost everything you could imagine. From running delightful nibbles, filling glasses, to hosting the entire Seattle barista community for the evening…you know who you are and we love you for all your hard work!
Our events would be little less glamorous and absolutely less rewarding without the generous support of our sponsors!
Thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors Baratza Grinders, Acaia Scales, Espresso Partsand Caffe Vita, special prizes went to the top three competitors along with door prizes every half hour to all guests and patrons.